One of the sources of stability in Turkey is the gold and foreign exchange reserves

8 february 2018
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According to the World Council on Gold, the World Bank and the Institute of Statistics of Turkey (TUIK), Turkey is the country that ranks 11th in the world in terms of gold reserves.

As of June this year, Turkey's gold and foreign currency reserves are 436 tons. For each inhabitant there are only 5.5 grams of gold reserves of the Republic.

For comparison: the gold and foreign exchange reserves of Switzerland are about 1040 tons, and it ranks first among the developed and developing countries in terms of gold per capita - 123.5 grams.

Switzerland followed by Lebanon (49 grams of gold per capita), Germany (41.1 grams), Italy (40.4 grams) and Portugal (37.1 grams).

The last place in terms of gold and currency reserves is occupied by Yemen, where per capita there is only 0.06 gram of gold. Before Yemen, this indicator is followed by Bangladesh (0.09 grams), Nigeria and Colombia (0.12 grams), Myanmar (0.14 grams).

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