Steps to save money in Turkey

9 may 2017
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The bazaar is a popular market which is held every week in every locality. Prices of vegetables and fruits are available at half the prices of shops. Evening shopping is usually cheaper. Bazaar has many other supplies but its prices are not always competitive

Use the washing machine and electrical appliances with high consumption at the time of reduction between 10 pm and 6 am where the cost is equal to half the cost of the other times or one-third

You can buy used furniture that looks new at prices up to a third of the new or even a quarter of the user is not necessarily bad, Turks sell their furniture because the cost of transportation is close to the cost of buying it sometimes

Take advantage of offers in various fields. Turks often do not buy when they need to, but they wait for opportunities and buy when discounted offers are available for household items, clothing, food, airline bookings, etc. The offer prices are often reduced by at least 25%.

If you can repair your supplies yourself, then do the repairs here

Buy the most important tools and cover yourself up.

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